M & S Law Office 2006 offers a breadth and quality of legal service that is essential in today's challenging environment of global markets and volatile economies. We advise on international law and where permitted local law. We are well versed in Thai laws and regulations as well as Thai business methods and practices.
There are various occasions when a Power of Attorney is necessary. For example, you may wish to sell your condominium in Thailand and you are not available on the transfer date so you need to authorise your agent, representative or lawyer to carry out the transaction for you. However if the power of attorney you have given to your agent is not created according to the law and is not in the required format, a government official may not accept it...
In order to perform any juristic act and to carry out transactions for people living far away from each other, many documents are required to be notarized as true copies or signatures to be authenticated. If a well-respected and well-educated person has certified the existence of documents, the law compliance and the authentication of the intention of the signatory of the documents, the other parties receiving the documents will be confident in the legality of the documents...
If you die without a Will, the law usually determines what is to happen to your estate, therefore, your wishes may not necessarily be carried out. The following situations could arise ...
M & S Law Office 2006 does not do this as a company but we are connected with companies who will do such work. Proper legal advice is recommended before employing such agencies or companies ...
In a reciprocal contract, one party usually has its obligation to transfer or hand over a property or documents that are evidence of the obligation and the other party has its obligation to make a payment according to such contract ...
Export and Import can be complicated and The appropriate license needed depends upon the products you wish to export or import. Before contacting your lawyer for assisting in obtaining the licenses. Please make sure you have prepared the following...
As all statements in Court need to be submitted in Thai. Unless fluent in both written and spoken Thai, it is advisable for a foreigner to instruct a lawyer in Thailand to act on his/her behalf.
As a result, M & S Law Office 20006 offers all methods of communication to our clients and we do our best to answer client queries on the same day. We do our best to represent you and to keep you informed the progress of the case. We make the effort to tell you, (either by phone, email, fax or letter) every time a step is taken. If things are held up for any reason, we will tell you why. We also make sure that all our communications are in plain clear English.